ATI » LYRA x2 Excellent performance of Non-Invasive and Invasive Ventilation

LYRA x2 Excellent performance of Non-Invasive and Invasive Ventilation

Vizualizari:   2624

Cod: 684
Producator: Axcent Germania
Cod producator: LYRA x2
In stoc: Nu
Garantie: 24 luni
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Physical Specification

Dimensions: 327 mm x 310 mm x 493 mm (L x W x H): 664 mm x 600 mm x 1520 mm (with trolley)
Weight: Approximately 12.0 kg, Approximately 33.0 kg (with trolley)

Display Size: 18.3 Color active matrix TFT touch
Display Resolution (H) x (V): 1080 x 1980 pixels
Brightness: Adjustable

Ventilation Specifications
Patient Type: Adult, Pediatric
Invasive Ventilation Mode:

VCV (Volume Control Ventilation)
PCV (Pressure Control Ventilation)
VSIMV (Volume Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation)
PSIMV (Pressure Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation)
CPAP/PSV (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure/Pressure Support Ventilation)
PRVC (Pressure Regulated Volume Control) V + SIMV (PRVC + SIMV)
BPAP (Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure)
APRV (Airway Pressure Release Ventilation)
Apnea Ventilation
Non-invasive Ventilation Mode

CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure)
PCV (Pressure Control Ventilator)
PPS (Proportional Pressure Support)
S/T (Spontanous and Timed)
VS (Volume Support, similarr like AVAPS )

Controlled Parameters
O2%: 21-100% (increments of 1%)
VT (Tidal Volume): Adult: 100-2000 mL (increments of 10 mL) / Pediatric: 20-300 mL (increments of 1 mL)
f (Ventilation frequency): 1-80 bpm (increments of 1 bpm)
fSIMV (Ventilation frequency in SIMV mode): 1-80 bpm (increments of 1 bpm)
I:E range: 4:1-1:10 (increments of 0.5)
Tinsp (Inspiratory time): 0.20-10 s (increments of 0.05 s)
Tslope (Time of Pressure Rising): Thigh 0-2.00 s (increments of 0.05 s)
Tlow: 0.2-30 s (increments of 0.1 s)
Tpause: 0.2-30 s (increments of 0.1 s)
ΔPinsp: 5%-60% (increments of 1%), Off
ΔPsupp: 0-60 cm H
2O (increments of 1 cm H2O)
Phigh: 0-60 cm H
2O (increments of 1 cm H2O)
Plow: 0-45 cm H
2O (increments of 1 cm H2O)
PEEP: 1-45 cm H
2O (increments of 1 cm H2O), Off
Flow trigger: 0.5-15 L/min (increments of 0.1 L/min)
Pressure trigger: -10 to -0.5 cm H
2O (increments of 0.5 cm H2O)
Exp% (Expiration termination level): 10-85% (increments of 5%), Auto
CPAP: 4-25 cm H
2O (increments of 1 cm H2O)
EPAP: 4-25 cm H
2O (increments of 1 cm H2O)
IPAP: 4-20 cm H
2O (increments of 1 cm H2O)
Rise time: 1-5 (increments of 1)
Ramp time: 5-45 min (increments of 5 min), Off

Min P (VS minimum IPAP): 5-30 cm H2O (increments of 1 cm H2O)
Max P (VS maximum IPAP): 6-40 cm H
2O (increments of 1 cm H2O)
Max P (PPV maximum pressure limit): 5-40 cm H
2O (increments of 1 cm H2O)
Max V (PPV maximum volume limit): 200-3500 mL (increments of 5 ml)
Max E: 0-100 cm H
2O/L (increments of 1 cm H2O/L)
Max R: 0-50 cm H
2O/L (increments of 1 cm H2O/L)
PPV%: 0%-100% (increments of 1%)

Apnea Ventilation
Vtvapnea: Adult: 100-2000mL (increments of 10 mL) / Pediatric: 20-300 mL (increments of 1 mL)
ΔPapnea: 5-60 cm H
2O (increments of 1 cm H2O)
Fapnea: 1-80 bpm (increments of 1 bpm)
Apnea Tinsp: 0.20-10 s (increments of 0.05 s)

Sigh Switch: On, Off
Interval: 20 s-180 min (increments of 1 s from 20 to 59 s, increments of 1 min from 1 to 180 min)
Cycles Sigh: 1-20 (increments of 1)
Δint.PEEP: 1-45 cm H
2O (increments of 1 cm H2O), Off

Synchronized Tube Resistance Compliance
Tube Type: ET Tube, Trach Tube, Disable STRC
Tube I.D.: Adult: 5.0-12.0 mm (increments of 0.5 mm) / Pediatric: 2.5-8.0 mm (increments of 0.5 mm)
Compensate: 0-100% (increments of 1%)
Expiration Compliance Switch: On, Off

Monitored parameters
Insp Flow fmand
Exp Flow
MV leak
MV spn
Oxygen concentration
VTe spn
Cstat Continuous Flow (O2 Therapy)

Real time Graphics:
Pressure-time waveforms: Paw-Volume Loop
Flow-time waveforms: Flow-time Loop
Volume-time waveforms: Paw-Flow Loop

Control Accuracy
O2%: ±(3 vol.% + 1% of setting)
TV: ±(10 mL + 10% of setting) (BTPS)
Tinsp: ±0.1 s or ±10% of setting, whichever is greater
I: E: 2:1 to 1:4: ±10% of setting, other range: ±15% of setting
f: ±1 bpm
fSIMV: ±1 bpm
Tslope: ±(0.2 s + 20% of setting)
PEEP: ±(2.0 cm H
2O + 5% of setting)
ΔPinsp: ±(2.0 cm H
2O + 5% of setting)
ΔPsupp: ±(2.0 cm H
2O + 5% of setting)
Phigh: ±(2.0 cm H
2O + 5% of setting)
Plow: ±(2.0 cm H
2O + 5% of setting)
Thigh: ±0.2 s or ±10% of setting, whichever is greater
Tlow: ± 0.2 s or ±10% of setting, whichever is greater
Pressure Trigger: ±(1.0 cm H
2O + 10% of setting)
Flow Trigger: ±(1.0 L/min + 10% of setting)
Δint.PEEP: ±(2.0 cm H
2O + 5% of setting)
Exp%: ±10%
CPAP: ±(2.0 cm H
2O + 5% of setting)
EPAP: ±(2.0 cm H
2O + 5% of setting)
IPAP: ±(2.0 cm H
2O + 5% of setting)
Rise time: -
Ramp time: ±1 s
Min P (VS minimum IPAP): ±(2.0 cm H
2O + 5% of setting)
Max P (VS maximum IPAP): ±(2.0 cm H
2O + 5% of setting)
Max P (PPV maximum pressure limit): ±(2.0 cm H
2O + 5% of setting)
Max V (PPV maximum volume limit): ±15% of setting
Max E: -
Max R: -
Fapnea: ±1 bpm
ΔPapnea: ±(2.0 cm H
2O + 5% of setting)
Tvapnea: ±(10 mL + 10% of setting) (BTPS)
Apnea Tinsp: ±0.1 s or ± 10% of setting,whichever is greater

Monitoring Accuracy
Airway pressure (Ppeak, Pplat, Pmean, PEEP, PAP, EPAP): ±(2 cm H2O + 4% of the actual reading)
Tidal Volume (Tvi, Tve, TVe/IBW,TVe spn): 0 ml -100 ml: ± (10 ml+3% of the actual reading) (BTPS) / 100 ml - 4000 ml: ±(3 ml + 10% of the actual reading) (BTPS)
Minute Volume (MV, MVspn, Mvleak): ±0.3 L/min or ±8% of the actual reading, whichever is greater (BTPS)
Frequency (ftotal, fmand, fspn): ±5% of reading or ±1 bpm, whichever is greater
Inspired Oxygen (FiO
2): ±(2.5 vol.% + 2.5% of the actual reading)
Resistance: 0 to 50: ±10 cm H
2O/L/s Other range: 50% of the actual reading
Compliance: 25% of the actual reading or ±10 ml/cm H
2O, whichever is greater
RSBI: 0 to 1000 1/(Lmin): 15% of the actual reading or ± 20 1/(Lmin)
WOB: -
NIF: ± (2 cm H
2O + 4% of the actual reading)
P0.1: ± (2 cm H
2O + 4% of the actual reading)
PEEPi: -
Rcexp: -

Alarm settings
Tidal Volume:
High: Adult: 110-4000 mL, Off / Pediatric: 25-600 mL,Off
Low: Adult: 50-4000 ml, Off /Pediatric: 10-600 mL,Off
Minute Volume:
High: Adult: 0.2-100.0 L/min / Pediatric: 0.2-60.0 L/min
Low: Adult: 0.1-50.0 L/min / Pediatric: 0.1-30.0 L/min
Airway pressure: High: 10-85 cm H
Frequency: High: 1-150 bpm, Off
Inspired oxygen (FiO
2): High: Actual reading +8% (High-pressure oxygen) / 2%-100% (Low-pressure oxygen)
Apnea alarm time: Low: Actual reading -8% (High-pressure oxygen) / 18%-98% (Low-pressure oxygen) / 5-60 s

Type: Tabular, Graphic
Length: 72 hours
Content: Monitor Parameters,
Setting Parameters (Setting Ventilation mode and Parameters)

O2 Therapy
Controlled Parameters
2%: 21-100% (increments of 1%)
Flow: 4-60 L/min
Controlled Accuracy
2%: ±(3 vol.% +1% of setting)
Flow: ±(2 L/min +10% of setting) (BTPS)

Environmental specifications
Temperature: 5-40°C (operating); -20 to 60 °C (storage and transport, O2 sensor: -20 to 50 °C)
Relative Humidity: 10-95% (operating); 10-95% (storage and transport)
Barometric Pressure: 62-106 kPa (operating); 50-106 kPa (storage and transport)

Power Battery Backup
External AC power supply
Input voltage: 100-240 V
Input frequency: 50/60 Hz
Input current: 2.5 A Max
Fuse: T2.5 AH/250 V
Internal battery
Number of batteries: One or Two (Optional)
Battery type: Build-in Lithium-ion battery, 11.25 VDC, 6400 mAh
Battery run time: 3 hours (Powered by one new fully-charged battery in standard working condition) / 6 hours (Powered by two new fully-charged battery in standard working condition)

Communication interface: Rs232, Ethernet, USB port, Nurse call, CO2 calibration connector
Gas supply: O
Pipe Connector: NIST or DISS
Gas supply pressure: NIST or DISS
Dimensions: 1000 mm x 676 mm x 505 mm
Weight: Approximately 21 kg

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